A new year marks a new beginning, for you as well as for your business. It gives us an opportunity to reflect upon the previous year and start the new year improvising things, working on our shortcomings, and strengthening our virtues. For a new year, we often make resolutions to motivate us and help us stick to our goals. Although new year resolutions are soon forgotten, it is important to plan things. As it is rightly said, “Failing to plan is planning to fail”, we have compiled a few new year resolutions that might help you to plan the year!
Know your customer better

Many times businesses tend to miss out on the most important fact that they are in the business to serve the customers. As the business grows and improves its traction, the most susceptible casualty is the customer. Building products/services and not improvising according to the changing customer needs can turn out to be detrimental to the business. One should always be on his/her toes and constantly take customer feedback to improve his product/service.
Build a great team

"No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it." – H.E. Luccock
Running a business is like creating a symphony. One can’t create it with one instrument, it takes many instruments to be played in unison to create a melodious symphony. Similarly, great businesses can’t be built without a great team. Trust your team with responsibilities, and let them fail as it's okay to fail but you should not repeat. Build your team to achieve great heights, and they will take care of the business.
Seek a mentor

Having a mentor is often an overlooked asset that you can have in any journey. Be it your life or the business you are running, having a knowledgeable and experienced mentor can guide you in tricky situations and avoid unnecessary mess. A mentor should also invest his valuable time with you, even if you have to trade it for equity.
Mentors are often found by networking. Larger the network, the more access to accomplished individuals and businesses. If you are a small business or a startup, working at a coworking space seems to be logical. These expose the business to many peers and investors which is mutually beneficial. Beginest has coworking spaces in Bangalore that are located in prime locations of Indiranagar and Residency road to cater to your business needs.
Enjoy the process

In the world of valuation, KPIs, metrics, etc. we often tend to forget to experience the process of building. If you are not enjoying the business you are building, you will never be satisfied with the things you are working on. You should often look back at your journey, the reason you started, and the memories made with your cofounders. After all, it is about the journey, and the results are complementary.
Stay humble

As a business, you will experience periods of highs and lows. While it is easy to lose hope in your lows, it is important to stay humble in your highs. One should not forget where he/she started from and stay grounded at all times. Humble people have self-control and can be honest with themselves. This will help you in making an informed and unbiased decision in your organization. Humble people often appreciate others' efforts and value their input. This helps them build a good rapport in the team and translates into a good culture in the organization.
Entrepreneurship may apparently look easy and fancy, but it demands getting our hands dirty and grit to accomplish goals. We, at Beginest, are a community of seasoned entrepreneurs who believe in creating value for our fellow entrepreneurs. Beginest not only has coworking spaces in Bangalore but also provides you with a network of young and dynamic startups and businesses, mentorship, and everything needed to help your business.
So contact us now and let us help you in your business.